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Found 15880 results for any of the keywords 1300 134 563. Time 0.009 seconds.
Smoke Alarm Testing Maintenance | Smoke Alarms AustraliaDo you need Smoke Alarm Testing? Smoke Alarm Maintenance? Detector Inspector is the industry leader in Smoke Alarms Australia. Contact for same day service
Electrical safety - Detector InspectorProviding installation, repair and maintenance of electrical installations, fittings and appliances by qualified electricians.
Safer Home plan - Detector InspectorSmoke alarm, gas and electrical safety checks combined into a low annual fee plan to help you stay compliant under RTA VIC legislation 2021.
Gas Appliance Maintenance Carbon Monoxide Testing | Detector InspectCarbon monoxide testing and gas appliance servicing, maintenance and installation in residential properties for real estate agencies, landlords and home owners
Switchboard upgrade service | Detector InspectorFrom March 2023, the minimum standards for rental properties in Victoria require switchboards to have safety switches for all power outlets and lighting circuits.
Corded window coverings | Australian Internal Blinds ServiceAt Detector Inspector, we audit window coverings internal blinds to ensure compliance with regulations the latest Australian regulations.
Essential fire safety - Detector InspectorOur essential fire safety division can service your fire equipment and secure your Annual Essential Safety Measures Report each year.
Our Services - Detector InspectorSmoke alarm safety Our trained technicians provide a comprehensive annual service and safety check of smoke alarms in the home, to protect occupants from harm caused by smoke inhalation. Is your property
Detector Inspector Blog - Smoke Alarms Australia - Commercial Fire SerDetector Inspector is one of Australia’s oldest testing maintenance suppliers for smoke alarms, gas appliances, essential services more.
Water Efficiency Service | Certificate of Water EfficiencyDetector Inspector s Water Efficiency Service provides landlords with a Certificate that enables them to pass on the costs of water usage to tenants.
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